  • Opening hours
  • Opening hours(Summer)
  • Last entry time
  • Amount of people
  • AQI
  • UV

Visitor Center

  • Free Traveling Information\Tour Guide\Brief Introduction\Dining\ Post Card Stores\Exhibit.\DIY Classroom\Wheel Chair and Baby Stroller Renting Center\Yehliu Learning Center\Lost and Found\ Nursing Station\Locker Room\Baby Nursing Room\Souvenir Shop\ Guide Book


  • Please save the environment. No smoking\No touching\No climbing\No biking\No wading\ No swimming\No fishing\No tagging of any kind or anything illegal to the local law.\Please do not litter.\Do not disturb plants.\Due to the heavy wind and waves, please do not pass the red warning line

Opening Hours

Open daily from 8am to 5pm.

Entry Fee

  • (1)Adult ticket NTD 120 Ticket URL
  • (2)Half-fare ticket NTD 60
    • ■ Student (Taiwan only or show ISI card)
    • ■ For the children aged between 6 and 12.
  • (3)Group ticket (thirty persons upward) 20% discount
  • (4)Courtesy entry: Disabled
  • ■ Children under age of 6.
    • ■ 出示導遊或領隊證件者。

Getting Yehliu

By bus:

  • 1.Take bus No. 1815 (bound for Jinshan Youth Activity Center) of Kuo-Kuang Co. at KUO-KUANG BUS TAIPEI TERMINAL (near Taipei Main Station); alight at Yehliu stop. The bus comes every 20 minutes. (Weekdays: the first bus at 05:40am and the last bus at 11:00pm; Weekends: the first bus at 06:30am and the last bus at 11:00pm.)
  • 2.Take the express bus (bound for Jinshan or Tamsui) at Keelung station (near Keelung Railway Station). The Bus comes every 10 minute. (the first bus at 05:40 am and the last bus at 10:40pm).
    3.Take the express bus (bound to Jinshan) at Tamshui station (near Tamshui MRT Station); alight at Yehliu stop. The bus comes every 30 minutes (the first bus at 05:50am and the last bus at 10:20pm).
  • 4.Take the express bus (bound to Jinshan) at National Taiwan University. The bus comes every 15 minute. (The first bus at 07:30am and the last bus at 10:10pm).


By car:


  • 1. Sun Yat-sen Freeway →leave at Jinshan/Badu Interchang → Provincial Highway No.2 (in Jinshan/Wanli direction) →Yehliu
  • 2. No.3 Freeway →leave at Keelung/Wanli Interchange → Provincial Highway No.2 (in Jinshan/Wanli direction) →Yehliu
  • 3. Yangmingshan-Jinshan Highway →Jinshan →Provincial Highway No.2 →Wanli →Yehliu
  • 4. Tamshui →Provincial Highway No.2 →Sanzhi →Shihmen → Jinshan →Yehliu. 48.2km in total.
  • 5. Keelung →Provincial Highway No.2 →Green Bay →Yehliu. 14 km in total.


  • 自行車資訊:
  • ■ 北觀風景區共計17處YouBike騎乘站點:
  •  (1) 萬里區:野柳地質公園、大鵬停車場、萬里區行政中心、龜吼停車場
  •  (2) 金山區:臺大醫院金山分院、中山環金路口、金美國小、金山八德街、中角灣、中山溫泉公園、金山立體停車場(中興路)
  •  (3) 石門區:白沙灣、富基漁港
  •  (4) 三芝區:淺水灣、三芝國中、櫻花水車公園、三芝兒一公園
  • ■ 自行車道路線
  •  (1) 野柳-外木山浪漫騎遊(全程約10公里):野柳地質公園-翡翠灣-獅子公園-湖海灣-外木山漁港
  •  (2) 北海萬金遊(全程約25公里):中角灣-獅頭山公園-金山老街-野柳地質公園-中角灣
  •  (3) 北雙塔行程(全程約93公里):灣塔自行車道(白沙灣-富貴角燈塔)-台2線-萬金自行車道-台2線-基隆自行車道(湖海灣)-八斗子線-瑞濱線-濂洞線-龍洞線-和美線-澳底線-福隆線-三貂角燈塔
  • 北海岸自行車旅遊專區連結


One-day tour

  • Yehliu →Jinshan Beach Park →Jinbaoli Old Street → Tiaoshih Coast→Shihmen Sea Arch →Linshanbi Cape → Baisha Bay →Sanzhi→Tamshui
  • ■ 導覽時間:上午場10:00、下午場13:30,每場90分鐘。
  • ■ 導覽範圍 : 園區第一、二區
  • ■ 導覽語言 : 中文
  • ■ 人數限制 : 最多30人為限
  • ■ 服務對象 : 一般散客、家庭、親子
  • ※若有其他特殊導覽需求,建議線上預約付費導覽解說,預約付費導覽請點:
  • 請於10分鐘前至遊客中心集合,若遇園區活動或人力調度等問題,本中心保留變更或終止定時導覽服務之權利,依當日現場實際公告為主。
  • 如有導覽相關問題,請電洽(02)2492-2016企劃部。

About Us

       The total distance measured from the entrance of the Yehliu Geopark to the end of the cape is about 1.7 km; the widest area in between is shorter than 300 m. The distance measured from Yehliu Stop at Jijin Highway to the end of the cape is about 2.4km. The rock landscape of Yehliu Geopark is one of most famous wonders in the world. The costal line is stretching in a direction vertical to the layer and the structure line; besides, the influences caused by wave attack, rock weathering, earth movement and crustal movement all contribute to the formation of such a rare and stunning geological landscape.

       The name “Yehliu” was derived from:1. A term translated from the Pinpu language; 2. An abbreviation of the Spanish words “Punto Diablos(which means “devil’s cape”); 3. In early days, local residents earned their living at sea and they relied on rice suppliers from inner land to offer rice to them. During transportation, some local people would use the sharp bamboo tube to stick the rick sack and leave a hole on it, so that the rice may slip out and could be picked up by them. As a result, rice traders often mentioned “the rice was stolen by the savages” (whereas “steal” and “savage” are pronounced similar to Yeh (savage) and liu (steal) in Taiwanese).

       Yehliu Geopark can be divided into three areas. The first area contains mushroom rock and ginger rock. You may learn the development process of mushroom rock as well as witness the appearance of ginger rock, cleavage, pothole and melting erosion panel. On top of that, the famous candle shaped rock and the ice cream rock are presented in this area too.

       The second area is similar to the first area, where the mushroom rock and the ginger rock are the main focuses, only they are fewer in numbers. You may see the Queen’s Head, Dragon’s Head Rock, and etc. Since the area is near the coast, rocks that develop into four different kinds of formations can be seen in this area: elephant rock, fairy’s shoe, earth rock and peanut rock. The aforementioned are parts of the layers featuring special shapes as a result of being corroded by sea water.

       The third area is the wave-cut platform located on the other side of Yehliu. This area is much narrower than the second area; one side of the platform is closely adjacent to steep cliffs while down below the other side is a scene of torrent waves. Several rocks of grotesque shapes and sizes that are incarnated as a result of sea erosion can be seen in this area, including the 24-filial piety hill, pearl rock and Marine Bird Rock. The third area also includes the major ecology reserve of Yehliu Geopark in addition to the said rock landscapes.

       Yehliu Geopark is famous for its sea-erosion landscape, while most of the spots are very close to the sea, tourists are advised to observe the tour guide regulations in case of the occurrence of possible danger or causing any damage to the natural resources. Welcome to Yehliu Geopark and we hope you have a nice day.


  • 野柳地質公園遵循聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO) 世界地質公園的四大核心價值為營運宗旨,完善地質公園的經營理念:
  • 1. 地景保育:以地景保育為出發點
  • 2. 地景旅遊:以特殊地景點為主軸的生態遊程
  • 3. 環境教育:提供地科知識和「人-環境」互動的概念
  • 4. 社區參與:促進社區參與及地方產業發展的基礎
  • 我們的永續願景
  • ■ 環境守護:守護地質地景與海洋環境,園區植栽有80%的原生種,保護生物多樣性。
  • ■ 地方推廣:與在地協會共同推廣社區文化,將在地特色融入環境教育。
  • ■ 在地創生:致力於在地回饋及在地採購,促進在地就業機會與經濟發展。
  • 我們的永續行動
  • ■ 在地化深耕野柳:增加在地就業的機會,在地員工比例為95%。
  • ■ 年輕化鞏固野柳:致力翻轉野柳印象,讓年輕人找到一個回家的理由。
  • ■ 國際化宣揚野柳:躍身國際景點,帶動野柳與國際接軌。
  • 地址:20744 臺灣新北市萬里區野柳里港東路167-1號
  • Address:No.167-1, Kantung Rd., Yehliu Village, Wanli District, New Taipei City 20744, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  • 電話(TEL):+886-2-24922016
  • 傳真(FAX):+886-2-24924519
  • 瀏覽人次:
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