  • Opening hours
  • Opening hours(Summer)
  • Last entry time
  • Amount of people
  • AQI
  • UV
Guided tour
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Interpreters must be booked with the park’s Interpretation Section two weeks in advance by on-line, fax or phone. Whether an interpreter is provided on the day will depend on availability of interpreting personnel.
  • Interpreter service time are from 8:30 to 10:30 and from 13:30 to 15:30.
  • The above sessions are limited to 10-30 people.
  • Please meet up with the interpreter at visitor center.
  • Please inform the Interpretation Section by phone if the booking is no longer required. If no notification is given and the group does not show up, no further bookings by the booking party will be accepted for one year.
  • The park will reply confirming the booking. Please be on time.
  • Whether an interpreter is dispatched with depend on the personnel situation. If no interpreting personnel are available this park reserves the right not dispatch an interpreter.
  • 地址:20744 臺灣新北市萬里區野柳里港東路167-1號
  • Address:No.167-1, Kantung Rd., Yehliu Village, Wanli District, New Taipei City 20744, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  • 電話(TEL):+886-2-24922016
  • 傳真(FAX):+886-2-24924519
  • 瀏覽人次:
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